There are days that make you lively just by listening to a song or while saying something to yourself. That one moment surrounds your whole life. It is blissful to experience those days or moments. Because you feel complete without being with someone or missing them. It is true company matters a lot to your healthy, happy life, but being happy in your own company is the best medicine to the problems of your life or your sorrows. I would say demand such kind of feelings for yourself because then you will be the lifeline of your space without much chaos. It’s been long that I have been around here because I was busy creating many such bits. Today I thought to pen down for you as well as for myself. I have found out that you find many things that bring you down and many that appeals you to be detached from the world. Well, there lies the opportunities that lead you to places you never visited and never knew existed. So before thinking or deciding that it’s the end of the day ...