The book has multiple characters, which makes it very difficult to follow. However, once everyone has been introduced, everything begins to make sense. Set amid Edinburgh Festival makes the story more happening as every character has a specific role in the festival. It is fascinating to see how they unexpectedly cross paths. The book starts with Tess Goodwin, who works in the Main office, then moves on to other characters like Albert Deussuin, Angelique Pascal, Rene Brownlow, Gavin, etc. The best thing is each character has a unique gift and struggles to overcome, yet it’s interesting to see how they work together to support one another. Initially, you might be put off, but if you give it some time, you’ll get hooked. I believe each character represents us in some or the other way. When I first started reading this book, I didn’t have high expectations, but by the time I finished it, I was happy with how well-structured it was. If you are planning to read a light book, go for it. Ratin...