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Showing posts from February, 2023

Review - The Modesty and Majesty of Being

It is a compilation of poems with four key themes: being, nature, universe and love. Each theme is further explored from a number of perspectives. The writing style is simple and catchy. One doesn't have to struggle much with the underlying meaning. Some poems will boost your morale, and some will tell you to enjoy the moment in the present. It's up to you how you want to proceed with this journey. There were many favourite poems, yet some didn't work for me. The poetry with Being and Nature as their topics spoke to me more. The author has written so beautifully that you want to finish it in one sitting. Yet, just like with coffee, each drink should be consumed slowly. To fully understand the feelings behind each theme, I thus advise reading each section separately. It is a good book for people who like reading poetry now and then. Rating - 3.5/5 Genre - Poetry