It is a Covid lockdown story which revolves around a father-son duo. The book depicts several stages of their relationship, from their initial lack of communication to their eventual warming up to each other. It is a simple story that touches my heart and gives me mixed emotions of happiness and grief. We all had such moments during lockdown where we found our lost love towards our family and loved ones. For some, it has been a nightmare. Yet, for some, it represented a glimmer of optimism that transformed their life. This story gives confidence that everything is attainable with equal efforts from all sides. Here, the father unveils a few secrets about his life that he has not shared with anybody, not even his wife. And this secret reconciles the bond between them. Sometimes, someone who fears judgement holds so much inside that they worsen the situation. When expressing their fears is all they need to do to release themselves. It is a lovely book that encourages you to be more ...